Forgotten Laundry & Essential Oils

22 September 2017

Happy Friday Friends!

I don't know about everyone else out there but I'm not strong in my 'laundry' game and believe me there is plenty to go around in this house- farm clothes, kids clothes, baby clothes, etc... But, folks; laundry has always been a struggle for me because I put it in the washer, add detergent (the fun part) and then get distracted by a child or another household task and forget the load for about half a day and then it's (drumroll) TOO LATE! That smell, we all know it- has started to set in. I usually always have a million excuses but it really just comes down to forgetfulness and hating the task of laundry. I'm telling you, this is my kryptonite. So here are some tips of how to save your load of laundry and infuse a good smell instead of a musty one!!

My favorite oil to use for stunk up laundry is- Purify! Purify is a combination of Lemon, Lime, Pine, Citronella, Melaleuca, and Cilantro essential oils. When diffused, Purify Cleansing Blend can help eliminate odors from pets, cigarettes, mildew, trash, food, and much more.

Above is a link to a spotlight post on Purify if you're interested in knowing what else this amazing oil can do.

Want more info on essential oils? Find it here.

Disclaimer: I only advise using 100% pure, therapeutic grade oils. Read all labels and do your research.

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