Dear Kindergarden, We're Ready for You.

09 August 2017

We received our Kindergarten information packet in the mail today. When I ripped open the packet, I felt as though angels were singing loudly in a chorus. It's just one more sign that school is just around the corner for us. Ava was so excited for me to read over everything it said and to hear the name of her teacher. We thankfully received our first request and were given morning kindergarten which will be nice for setting the schedule for the rest of us. But as we prepare for this new adventure and chapter in our lives of sending our first born baby off to school, I wonder; am I the only mom who's excited for this? Excited for school to start? Excited to send her off to learn and grow? Because I'm ready. She's ready. So let's do this. 

I feel as though I should be feeling a sense of dread and sadness that my first-born baby girl is leaving the nest (for just under 4 hours) but instead I'm thrilled and on fire for her! Maybe it's her personality that causes me to feel this way, maybe she's actually the one that's making it easier to grasp. And, if I was feeling nervous or apprehensive, I wouldn't want her to pick up that vibe and feel scared because of me. I want her to step off of that big, yellow school bus on her very first day and hit the pavement running (not literally, see: rule breaker). I want her to walk into her classroom that first day with a smile on her face and her little head held high. I want her to make new friends and talk to everyone. I want her to feel confident in herself because we feel confident in her and her ability to leave us and venture out on her own. 

I feel like ever since she's been born we've been those parents pushing her out of the nest and trying to see if she can fly on her own--"Hey, here's a roller coaster, let's go conquer it!" and "Look, here's a 43-foot water slide, let's do it!".  Not, "Would you like to try this?" or "How would you feel about ____?" while she's staring at those steep hills and starting to doubt herself. And maybe that's not the right way to go about it but she's always been willing to try something new and she'll dive in head first.  So as we prepare to send her off into the next chapter of her life, I welcome it with open arms and can't wait. I can already hear all of the stories that she will share at the dinner table with the same enthusiasm she did during her preschool years. I'm thrilled to know all that she will learn in the upcoming school year, educationally, emotionally and physically. She's been trying so hard to learn how to read her own books and 'write' in her journal so when she learns to master these skills, I know her little world is going to be rocked in the best way! She's a social butterfly, so I know she won't struggle to create connections and friendships. So instead of waiting for the bus and hiding tears in my coffee cup, I plan to stand there beaming with pride. 

Kindergarten, I hope you're ready for my girl because she's ready for you!

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