Back to School - Kindergarten Style

14 August 2017

I recently talked about how excited we are for Kindergarten to start! Two weeks from today we will be starting the next big chapter. When Ava has her mind set on something and when she's excited for something she likes to prepare, she'll lay her outfit out in advance and spend time picking the perfect way to many accessories. She also has been talking non stop about how she can’t wait to meet her teacher ("What's her name again mom?"), make A TON of new friends, and her excitement to ride the bus is unparalleled. So today I'm talking about back to school styles, I used to love back to school shopping with my mom and I can't wait to do this with my girls as the years go on!

Ava picked out the CUTEST backpack! I'm not a huge fan of character backpacks so thankfully with her age I still have some sway in this department, I give her a choice of three pre-approved backpacks... she also chose a few dresses that she just had to have (like the kitten one above!) We'll eventually add some layers for cooler weather, some versatile pieces like a scarf for chilly mornings at the bus stop, kitten tights (kitten obsessed) and lots of glitter! I also found a tip to pick up a few cartwheel/bike shorts on to wear with her dresses until we pair them with leggings or tights when the cooler weather hits. And since Rapunzel Ava is growing out her locks for our upcoming trip to Disney in the beginning of 2018 we will be using a ton of headbands and braids (if I can finally master a french braid, send me tips! ha!) to keep her hair out of her face.

Happy Back to School Shopping Friends!
xo- Tiffany

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