A Couple Ways We Can Help with Hurricane Relief

31 August 2017

Over the past week, we've probably all been following the disastrous 'Hurricane Harvey' that's ravaged the south of Texas. It's hard to truly imagine what the people, our neighbors to the south are going through. With their homes destroyed, pets lost, farmland underground, livestock that's missing and entire metropolitan cities that are completely dismantled with the waters expected to continue to rise another 2-4 feet in some areas. I was in high school when Hurricane Katrina reeked havoc in Louisiana and I thought there could be no way so much devastation could happen again, and then it did.

Thankfully there are many disaster relief funds set up to aid the people of Texas to help them in their time of need and in the following months as they start to assess the damage and rebuild. I follow a blogger who's family has a cotton farm in Gary, Texas and the storm hit before the cotton was ready to be picked. It's currently under a few feet of water, and this was supposed to be a record year for the cotton crop. For all of our fellow farmers, cotton, dairy, crop & livestock this will severely affect their livelihood in profound ways. As a farmer's wife, I can't imagine watching my husbands entire year's worth of blood, sweat and tears just slip under water (and most likely lifetime's worth of work since 98% of US farms are family-owned and multigenerational). If you would like to help the farmers of Texas then please visit The Star Fund set up by the Texas Department of Agriculture. 
::: Link below :::

Also, diapers! Can you imagine not having a diaper for your child? The Red Cross doesn't hand out diapers in their relief packs. So if you're wanting to help out the displaced mommas and their babies behinds they log onto the Texas Diaper Bank and donate directly to them. Or you can send diapers through Amazon and Jet. I'll link it all up below. And if you prefer to buy a few packs at the store (any brand & all sizes) or team up with some friends you can mail all donations to the following address so that they can be distributed:

The Texas Diaper Bank 5415 Bandera Road Suite 504
San Antonio, TX 78238

And if you prefer to just give to The Red Cross you can simply text HARVEY to 90999 for a $10 donation. Also, please beware of certain 'charity' groups that may come out of the woodwork during this time and try and take advantage of kindness and generosity of people. The NY Times published an article a few days ago about Where to Donate to Harvey Victims (and How to Avoid Scams)

xo- Tiffany 

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