Kids Corner | Disposable Field Trip Lunch

16 May 2018

If your the parent of a school-aged child then you will get to experience many exciting things, like field trips. Well, my national geographic loving Ava has been excited about her school trip to the Zoo for a month now and today is the big day! We woke up to rain but the weather wasn't going to dampen her enthusiasm. And no, I'm not going along-- I know, gasp! But here's the thing-- I'm not a classroom mom, I don't have the skill set and while for some parents it might be the highlight of the year, it's just not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, I love my kids, I have three of them ages 5 and under (and try to maintain sanity) but an entire day spent with large amount of 5-6-year-olds-- not in my wheel house. Someone once told me, figure out your skill set and the places where you excel in life as a person, wife, and mother and release yourself of everything else you think you need to be good at because it will just weigh you down. So I'll tag out and let the ones that love it do it and my hats off to them because they'll help to make my girls day possible and enjoyable. Now, food and cooking -- that's life-giving to me so while I may not be attending the field trip I can make sure she's armed with food to nourish her body.

Before bed, she picked out her outfit and accessories and didn't test her luck at prolonging bedtime because, and I quote 'she had to get her rest'. After everyone was asleep I decided it was time to think about her lunch. Truth be told I was also really excited for her to go on her first field trip since they only go half-days in kindergarten I'm not able to pack her lunch yet buuuuut when I read the letter that came home it said 'no lunch bags & completely disposable'-- say what?! How on earth do I pack her a healthy lunch that won't be able to be iced down-- sounds like a piece of cake, right? It was a long day and I had to put on my thinking cap for this one- obviously, a peanut and butter sandwich was the only way to go, even though I knew she would beg for her favorite, egg salad. I combed the cupboards and came up with a lunch that would hopfully meet all of the requirements, with school, and Ava. 

Our 'fully disposable' lunch went as follows:
- peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich
- a handful of wheat tins
- laughing cow cheese slice
- applesauce pouch
- berry good lemonade drink--partially frozen
- fruit snacks
- napkins

We didn’t have any paper bags on hand, so I wrapped the sandwich in wax paper to try and keep it from getting soggy from the drink and then packed everything in a ziplock gallon bag, wrote her name, class name, and a special note. I was going to pack two drinks but I know Ava, her tiny bladder and history of bathroom breaks so I didnt want to cause any extra work.

What's your favorite fully disposable lunch to pack? Are you a classroom mom? Does filling up your little one's belly also fill up your love tank? Whatever it is, whatever you excel in just know that you are doing a rockstar job and whatever it is that is not exactly in your skill set, it's ok, you don't have to be good at everything and it's ok to say no and let someone else.

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