Busy Season and Meal planning

07 May 2018

It's that time of year folks, it's busy season! The guys are planting, mowing, chopping, spraying and working ground. It makes for long days for all of us-- Aaron in the fields and me holding down the home front. It's during this time of year that I need to get creative with my meal planning. He's often not around for dinner so that means the meal needs to be either portable so I can deliver it to him in the tractor or it needs to be quick enough that he can come in for 15 minutes, eat and then get right back to his task. This will be the first full week of crazy schedules (no rain in the forecasts so if you're a farmers wife then, you know what that means...) When I did my weekly grocery shopping this past Friday I tried to plan ahead and also utilize a few things we had in our freezer that needed to be used. I know that it's fun seeing what others make for dinner and I occasionally need a few new & fresh ideas for meal planning so here is what's on the schedule for us this week! I'll also link up some of the recipes I'm going to be using. 

Recipe Links:

Happy Monday, friends!

1 comment

  1. Thanks for introducing me to the honey mustard I love it! The meals sound so delishes!


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