Ryla Pack | My Go-To Diaper Bag

18 February 2018

Hey guys! 

The struggle has been real since returning home from vacation last week- I tried so hard to get out of the 'vacation fog' but it wasn't the easiest considering we came home to the start of our farmhouse project. Let's just say that the next few weeks are going to be crazy bonkers! But quickly before another week of home projects start I wanted to share with you something that made our trip and travels so much easier.

As you may know by now we have three children, ages five and under. Life gets just a bit insane at times and leading up to our trip I was trying to figure out what bag I would pack-- I needed something simple and convenient for the airport and for all of our days in the parks. That's when the Ryla Pack came into my life!

 It's been a g-a-m-e changer. 

Now, not only is it lightweight and made with extremely high-quality materials, it's also simple and sophisticated looking. It was several 'mom (and dad)' tailored features and you can tell parents were the primary focus when the bag was designed and created. It's washable, wipeable, water resistant. It has a wet bag, changing pad AND not one but two insulated bottle holders! It was has a bunch of other really neat features, they are detailed in my photos below. You can just tell that a ton of thought was put into this bag-- created by parents for parents. 

If you're in the market for a diaper bag backpack then you can use my code for 20% OFF code!
Follow this link and use code: TIFFANYHESS20

*this post contains an affiliate link*

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