Whitening Sensitive Teeth at Home

09 July 2018

I’ve never been one for taking the time to whiten my teeth. Not that I had anything against it, who doesn’t love white teeth? But, I’ve never made it a priority or something high on my to-do list. But after years of being a coffee drinker, a wine drinker, a tea drinker and just an overall human being, my pearly whites [read: not so white] could use some love.

When I heard about Smile Brilliant I was very intrigued and after doing a bit of research I liked the results I saw that people were achieving. I was a tiny bit apprehensive at first, but after reading up on the process—I thought to myself, ‘What do I have to lose? Besides coffee stained teeth, that is..’ So, I decided to give it a whirl.

My box arrived quickly and packaged neatly. The instructions were very well written and the picture cards helped greatly. The first step I had to take was the create my molds. I was nervous at first to mix the molding clay together but if you pay close attention to the instructions, it should all go effortlessly. After my impressions were made I dropped them in the mail and waited for my customized trays to return.

When they arrived I was shocked at how perfect the mold had worked because they fit like a glove, even the imperfect teeth. Next up, it was time to start whitening. It took me a couple tries to find the perfect time, for me, to whiten. Once you place the small ribbon of whitening gel in the tray (don’t use too much- learned that the hard way) then you place them on your teeth for 45 minutes to 3 hours. After the first few minutes, you don’t realize they are there because they fit so well. After whitening, you move on to the desensitizing gel— that last step takes about 20 minutes and you can’t eat or drink afterward for a certain amount of time.

That being said, night time I always found was the easiest for me— I wanted to get it accomplished during nap time but since that’s usually my lunchtime it just didn’t work the times I tried. All and all, I have to say that I’m so very pleased with the company and the process. While there are several steps, it’s not difficult to get started. It just requires taking the time to let the process work. There is enough gel for several whitening procedures and you can tell some immediate results. I highly recommend Smile Brilliant to anyone looking for an easy and effective way to whiten their teeth.

Now, friends! How would you like to win your very own whitening kit!? I'm partnering with Smile Brilliant to bring one of you a kit of your very own! Click here for my giveaway link and enter! Also- don't worry because even if you don't win the giveaway, you will get a special, additional discount just for entering!! AND-- with this code - threegirlsandafarm15 - you can get 15% off of any tray set! The giveaway is open for two weeks. This giveaway is international and they ship to MOST countries (you can check the shipping countries at checkout)!

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