Sparkling Apple Cider Sangria | Featuring Winc

22 November 2017

So, we are officially half way through the shortest work week of the year with Thanksgiving is right around the corner, tomorrow in fact! Who's ready for all of the turkey, filling, gravy and my favorite- pumpkin pie? I know that I am. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because there is so much to be thankful for- like wine delivery. [Did she just say that?] ha!

 I'm pretty sure that nothing screams Autumn more than apples and apple cider! So, in this month's Winc wine order I stocked up on Finke's Widow Sparkling White Blend. I plan on making a fresh and festive sangria for the holiday's and this wine seemed like it would be the perfect fit-- plus, the bottle is pretty darn cute. It's a member favorite, affordably priced at $13 per bottle and according to reviews Finke’s has the celebratory feel of French champagne, without the special occasion reputation.

If you haven't heard me talk about Winc in my post over the summer then I'll backtrack-- Winc, is a California-based wine service offering an online membership experience, with wines that are featured at select retailers and restaurants nationwide. You first enter your zip code to see if they deliver to your area, then complete a Palate Profile™ and answer 6 questions to help them suggest certain wines for you to try out. There is no commitment and you can cancel or skip a month at any time, also after trying the wines, you can complete a survey to help tailor your next box to your unique preferences. And the fast shipping is usually as fast as, next day! Blows my mind every single time. 

Well, you guys -- Winc has decided to offer an exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal and I'm able to pass it along to you! This year, they are offering $25 off your first box of wine, now whether you keep for yourself or gift it is up to you! I was able to grab up 4 bottles for $28 and that including the fast, free shipping.

The offer is available until 11/29. 
Find your link here: Black Friday - $25 Off
Below I listed the recipe that I'll be serving up! 
Save it, make it & enjoy!

And on a more serious note- hold your family close, enjoy the moments, the food and remember the reason that we should all be thankful. This year, like other years I'm thankful for many things like my children, my husband, my family, the roof over my head, food on my table. But, more so this year I'm extremely thankful for God's grace and mercy and for the knowledge of knowing that we never walk this life alone, there's not a day that's not already been seen and that he doesn't want me to be perfect because he uses my failures to teach me and help me grow. 

 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
[2 Corinthians 4:15]

{disclosure: some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will possibly earn a commission. Or, free wine..}

1 comment

  1. Like the home delivery and yes I know from lots of experience we are Not alone.I thank God everyday for all my blessings very blessed to be a Great Grandmother to 3 Precious,Gorgeous Great Grand Daughters.And yes Grandma is the title for me. May I also mention we have 4 of the greatest grandchildren, they are very intelligent,hard-working,loving,caring giving and kind: need I say more? Thank you God for my family!!!!


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