Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken Corn Pie | Recipe

06 November 2017

My dad grew up in a true Pennsylvania Dutch home. My grandparents are of the Mennonite faith, not Amish if you're unfamiliar with PA Dutch culture. My mom also comes from a different variation of German background so I grew up enjoying many Dutch Dutch dishes, but never scrapple- just no, I can not bring myself to prepare or eat scrapple. There are many delicious old recipes that are native to Lancaster, Pennsylvania that so many people are unaware of such as, Whoopie Pies, Shoofly Pie, Chicken Pot Pie (not the frozen stuff you find in the frozen aisle) Apple butter, Hamloaf, Amish Macaroni Salad, Potato Filling, and the tradition of Pork and Sauerkraut on New Year's Day. While I grew up eating all of these I have yet to make any on my own so over the next few months I'm going to take you on a journey of discovering and trying some Pennsylvania Dutch recipes- starting with my favorite, Chicken Corn Pie!

If you've been following along with me for a little bit now then you'll know that one of my favorite summer dinners is Zucchini Corn Pie, it everything cheesy, buttery and delicious. I think I like it so much because it feels like the lighter, summer version of Chicken Corn Pie. I received three different recipes for this dish, my grandma's, a family friend's grandmother's and one other recipe, I dissected them all and tailored it to fit our family's personal preferences. 

What is your favorite PA Dutch recipe?

1 comment

  1. Schnitz un knepp is one of my favorite comfort food "PA DUTCH" recipes.....along with corn pie!


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