Tips and Tricks for Detox Baths

10 June 2017

First of all, we love modern medicine. We use it in our house, go to the doctor, vaccinate our children and give them OTC meds and antibiotics when necessary. But, I also love trying natural and home remedies for minor aches and illnesses at times when medicine isn't needed as the first step towards healing the body.

When Ava started dragging home the 'preschool cooties' I decided to add something to our weekly routine that has really helped. Along with the girls daily vitamins, weekly elderberry syrup & diffusing essential oils to help purify the air (and promote restful sleep) we also started giving them detox baths once a week as another preventive strike. If I notice the girls showing signs of muscle & joint pain (growing pains), irritability & sleeplessness, stuffy or runny nose with sneezing and coughing I'll quick toss them in a detox bath. It helps to draw the toxins out through the skin and hopefully help to ease the burden on their little livers. I even take these baths myself, because when someone tells you to go take a twenty minute mandatory bath you say, heck yes! Do you hear me moms, its like..hello, sign me up!

Detox Bath Tips:
  • The detox bath is designed to open the skin’s pores, so I don't wash bodies or hair during this particular tub time. Just set a timer for 20 minutes, put on some Disney radio tunes and give them tub toys to play with.
  • If your water is unfiltered then you will need to neutralize it by adding ¼ cup natural baking soda. Add this 5-7 minutes before getting in to help alkalize the water and neutralize chemicals, including chlorine.
  • If adding essential oils to the bath then only use 'top quality' therapeutic-grade oils. I recommend dōterra and young living, they are very reputable brands. I don’t recommend purchasing any oils from say...Walmart. Those brands have many 'other' fillers in them.
  • Also be sure to drink a cup of water afterward to replenish, and they can cause drowsiness so be prepared to relax. 

Our Favorite Detox Bath Recipes
{All of these recipes are for a full bathtub in water as hot as you can stand it.}

Kids' Immune: 4 drops Protective blend and up to ½ cup Epsom salt, baking soda if needed.
Adults Immune: 10 drops Protective blend and up to 2 cups Epsom salt, baking soda if needed

Kids Nighttime Soother: 4 drops Lavender essential oil and up to ½ cup Epsom salt, baking soda if needed
Adult Mojito Mojo: 3 drops spearmint, 3 drops peppermint, 3 drop lime, diced fresh mint leaves, 2 cups Epsom salt, baking soda if needed. 

Kids Cold & Congestion: 2 drops lemon & 2 drops tea tree and up to ½ cup Epsom salt, baking soda if needed.
Adult Cold & Congestion: 5 drops lavender & 5 drops respiratory blend and up to 2 cups Epsom salt, baking soda if needed.

Here is a link for the Epsom Salt (Magnesium Flakes) that we use. 

Have a fun weekend everyone!
xoxo - Tiffany

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