Current Favorites!

15 October 2015

It's fall time now and things are as crazy as ever! Ava started 3K-Preschool at the end of September and she is loving it. Which I'm definitely not surprised because she is my little social buttery fly.. a trait she gets from her father. 
As we head deeper into the fall season I thought I would share a few things that I'm loving this month so maybe someone else will find something new to love also. And of course no post would be complete if it didn't have some adorable tiny human pics. 

Current Favorites:

1.) Lavender Oil

Although my husband and some of my family are still oil skeptics I am loving all my oils and really enjoy making safe cleaning and body products for my family. Lavender has become the top oil used in our house. I diffused it one night in Ava’s room because she was so restless and BAM she’s happily addicted. Ava has always been the best sleeper. She started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and would only wake us if she was cutting a tooth or had a cold (which was not often because she was also an amazing teether) BUT then we hit age 3 and bedtime became a nightly battle, a battle to fall asleep and to stay asleep.

It usually goes like this: “Just one more sip of drink, please?” “Just one more story, please?” “Just one more minute of the movie, please?” Or she suddenly has to brush her teeth again because there's ‘somethin’ in her tooth’, or she needs to use the bathroom again even after she had just gone, OR she needs her back scratched RIGHT NOW.. Then at 3 am we would hear a little loud voice yelling “MY STARS ARE OFF!” (her ladybug star machine)

She has been asking me to set up the diffuser in her room every night for the past three weeks and we haven’t had any middle of the night waking’s for nonsense and bedtime negotiations have decreased about 50%. I also add a drop of lavender to their bath water instead of using chemical filled J&J Lavender Bubble Bath.

Thank you Lavender!

Ava & Charlottes Bedtime Diffuser Blend:

3 drops Lavender

2 drops Wild Orange

** and if there are any sniffles just add 2 drops of the Breathe blend

One of the ways I use Lavender for myself is in a Vanilla Lavender Face Scrub. I use it almost nightly because the smell is so relaxing and my skin is so much brighter and soft!

Vanilla Lavender Sugar Scrub:

1 cup White Sugar

¼ cup Olive oil

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

5 drops Lavender

Mix well and store in a glass air tight container in the shower or a cool place. Self-life is good for up to 2 weeks.

2.) Chelsea Boots

I don’t know why I never heard of this style of boot before but I’m OBESSED! That is probably because I love all things European and this style originates from London. It was originally the official military boot of the Royal Army. Fancy, I know. So anyway I spotted these bad boys at DSW and had to have them! Happy fashionable fall ya’ll!

3.) Mirari Pop! Pop! Piano

My girls love to fight over toys. I mean there is literally so many toys in this house that they should NEVER get bored and they should NEVER argue over the same toy, right? WRONG. But that’s a whole other issue entirely and let’s just say that I am learning a lot about siblings and how they think/operate. Anyway, their favorite toy that they both want to play with at the same time, all of the time is the Pop! Pop! Piano. It is a pretty cool toy. I mean I would fight a sibling for it, if I had one.

If you need a unique toy idea for a 1-3 year old this is a good one!

4.) White Pumpkins & Sharpie Markers

White pumpkins are making their debut on our porch again this fall, so easy and so fun!

Just grab a white pumpkin, a black sharpie and start creating.


  1. Love the Lavander Vanilla face scrub thanks Tiff!!! Also I am headed to buy a white pumpkin today to add to my outdoor fall decor.

  2. Another wonderful blogTiffany I love my vanilla face scrub thank you! And may I add the coffee scrub.

  3. You nailed it :) With everything!!!


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