Our Weekend Favorites

17 August 2015

Happy Monday!

Who wishes it was still the weekend?! My hand is raised way up high as I sit here nursing my new favorite cup of coffee: a 'donut shop' kcup with a splash of half & half and a drizzle of caramel coffee syrup, I have officially said adios to store bought coffee creamers and it tastes so good!

Reflecting on the weekend is how I make it though the first few hours on a Monday morning, this was the first weekend that we were around in a while and Ava's finally cast came off on Friday morning so we had some things to celebrate. First we celebrated by throwing on our suits and breaking out the splash mat, she was so excited.

I also wanted to take full advantage of all of the yummy local sweet corn and peaches that will sadly soon be coming to an end. So on Thursday my mom and I put up 10 dozen ears of corn in the freezer and I bought two baskets of Red Haven peaches to slice and freeze for smoothies and frozen yogurt this winter. I also made a peach puree and froze it in ice cube trays to make Wine Slushies!
They were SO refreshing and yummy.

>>Recipe can be found here. <<

..And then I starting craving tacos. But not just any tacos, tacos from my Chicago trip like brunch Tacos from El Mariachi and lunch tacos from Velvet Taco.
So I got all inspired and whipped up a Corn Salsa to spice up our weekly taco night.
Its so good that I could eat it with a spoon and the girls loved it also, bonus!

Corn Salsa Recipe:
2 cups corn
1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped
1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped red pepper (personal preference)
1/4 red onion, finely diced
juice from 1/2 of a lime

-mix and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.

We ended our weekend with a small cookout with friends, we noshed on burgers, chopped taco salad topped with leftover corn salsa and washed it all down with some wine slushes while the kids played on the splash pad and jumped on the trampoline.
It was the perfect late summer Sunday afternoon spent at home!

I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekends as well.

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