Bucket List? How About a Love List!

09 May 2018

I'm not one for new year's resolutions because, well.. my follow through isn't always the greatest and it's May so I totally missed the boat this year BUT when I read about Courtney Carver's (author of Soulful Simplicity) 'Love List' idea I was intrigued. Basically, instead of firm goal setting or setting resolutions, make a list of the things you’d love to do or start doing. A special invitation to be bold, brave, and different-- any time of the year. 

Courtney says, "Make a love list including every possible thing you would like to consider in life, love, business and relationships. What would you really love to do? What would you like to see? Who will you be and who will you be with? Before you start your list, eliminate the roadblocks and dream killers. This is not a list for accountability. You won’t be crossing things off or crying over your undone tasks at the end of the year. Instead, use your list to fuel your creative pursuits and to encourage routine breaking behavior. Let your love list remind you what is most important in your life."

So, grab your favorite journal and pen (or your computer), put on some favorite music, look through a magazine or Pinterest some pins, pour a favorite drink and get started. When you're finished frame your list or place it somewhere you can see every day. For me, I just wrote down everything that the tiny voice in the back of my mind says on a regular basis- big and small. For once I woke up before the girls so I made a pot of french press and got down to work and it really didnt take me long to fill up my list and I probably could have kept going but I didnt want to overhelm myself even though it's not designed to be a list to hold myself accountable to or check things off because I HAVE to check things off. So below I shared with you what I came up with one morning at 6:10 am before I started my day. 

There was something so therapeutic about this task, I highly recommend it-- even if your list only has one or two things on it, that is one or two things that could bring you joy. So friends, what's one thing from your list? Drop it in the comments below- maybe you can inspire someone through your journey. 

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